By: Jake The Writer

Persons / Characters

Lina (a girl of about 18)

Bert (a boy of about 20, Lina’s love)

Cathleen (a girl of about 18, Lina’s best friend)

Nora (a girl of about 25, Bert’s ex girlfriend and Lina’s friend)

Mark (a boy of about 20, Bert’s best friend)

Willy (a boy of about 13, Bert’s younger brother)

Frank (a gay of about 20, Nora’s friend)

Lina’s Mother

SCENE: East of Luzon, one afternoon

( A modern living room, with a door in the east, a table with 5 chairs at the center and a refrigerator beside it, a cabinet with a vase above it, etc. Lina enters in the east with a paper in her hand. She sits on the chair near the refrigerator and starts to read what’s on the paper. Cathleen comes from the inner room and sits beside Lina.)

CATHLEEN (in a sweet voice): What are you reading Lina?

LINA (with a big smile): It’s a letter from Bert, my love.

(She puts the paper in the table and turns to Cathleen.)

LINA: He said that he will be here at 6:00 pm. I’m so excited.

CATHLEEN: Oh! That’s a good news.

LINA: (laughs softly) Right, that’s a good news. And you know?

CATHLEEN: Know what?

LINA: Never mind. I just imagine how will be our wedding. (She gazes on her right hand.)

CATHLEEN: Oh Lina. You and Bert are almost in a 2-month relationship only. The destiny is always changing. Remember that!

LINA: But maybe, the destiny will not changed. Maybe, we are for each other.

CATHLEEN: Tsskk.. Don’t be sure.

LINA: (gazes to Cathleen seriously) I know that you have (slight pause) you know, so be happy with us.

CATHLEEN: But remember Lina, I have 5 exes, and all of that ---

LINA: (stands up while she is covering her ears) I know that Cathleen. You are always saying that.

CATHLEEN: So you need to be careful.

LINA: (putting down her hands on the table) Well… (She sits.)

CATHLEEN: By the way, do you heard the news?

(Lina gets her small round mirror and a comb in the cabinet.)

CATHLEEN: (smiling at Lina) You’re ready now huh.

LINA: (smiles) Yes. I’m ready to be with Bert forever. (She laughs.)

CATHLEEN: But did you heard the news?

LINA: (while combing her hair) News about what?

CATHLEEN: There’s an accident over there. When I was arriving here, I saw an accident, just there in the corner of this street.

LINA (ignoring the news): Maybe. I don’t care about that.

CATHLEEN: (sigh) Yeah. We have no care about her or him. (gazes in the ceiling of the scene) May God Bless him.

LINA: Or her. (Stops in combing her hair. She puts back the comb and the mirror and sits again.)

CATHLEEN: (seems to be bored ) It ‘s boring today.

LINA: I don’t know how to entertain Bert. Do you know how?

(Cathleen ignores her.)

LINA: Or maybe, No! No!

CATHLEEN (irritated): Can you shut up!

LINA: Why? I’m just thinking..

CATHLEEN: Hayysss… I’m also thinking here. But I’m not noisy.

LINA: Sorry.. I will be silent now.

(They pauses their conversation for a while, thinking of something.)

(Lina stands and goes over to the cabinet and gets a piece of paper and a pen.)

CATHLEEN: What’s that?

LINA: (sits beside Cathleen) I’m going to write the ingredients of --

(She pauses.)

LINA: Cathleen, do you know what is the favorite food of Bert?

CATHLEEN: Hmmm.. I don’t know. I didn’t know him so much, so I don’t know.

LINA: Luh! This is the first time that Bert will visit me. How’s this?!

(The door which Cathleen half closed is blown open with a gust of wind.)

CATHLEEN: That’s not my problem.

LINA: I need to know that.

CATHLEEN: Then have someone.

LINA: Huh?

CATHLEEN: Never mind. Just ---

LINA (remembers someone): Nora!


LINA (happy): Yes! Nora. She will be the one to solve my problem.

CATHLEEN: (laughs) Nora?

LINA: Why are you laughing?

CATHLEEN: The ex girlfriend of Bert?

(Lina nods)

CATHLEEN (tauntingly): Are you serious?

LINA: Yes. What’s the problem?

CATHLEEN: Nothing. I just remembered how much she loves Bert.

LINA: So she knows what’s the favorite food of Bert.

CATHLEEN: Yeah, yeah.

LINA: By the way, where is she?

CATHLEEN: I don’t know. I don’t care about her, or someone.

LINA: But when we last met, she said that she will go to England, for a trip.

CATHLEEN (being serious): You believe her?

LINA: Yes. What’s the problem?

CATHLEEN: Just nothing. But for me, she’s not the type of person to be believe with?

LINA: (gazes at Cathleen) See your words huh, and your grammar.

CATHLEEN: I’m very sorry. I’m trying my best and see, I’m improving!

LINA: Well.

CATHLEEN: But what’s your plan now?

LINA: Hmmm…..

CATHLEEN: But I think, you need to have a plan now.

LINA: I know that! Don’t remind me.

CATHLEEN: So what’s your plan now?

LINA: I think, I must call Nora right now.


LINA: Just wait.

CATHLEEN: I’m not waiting.

LINA (excited): I will call her now.

(Cathleen smiles. Lina puts the paper on the table and pulls her phone out of her pocket. She begins to call Nora.)

LINA (speaks happily): Hello Nora.

NORA (on the line): Oh, hello Lina.

LINA: How are you?

NORA: I’m fine. How about you?

LINA: Fine also.

NORA: So what’s up?

LINA: In a relationship with ---

NORA: Yeah, I know (slight pause) with Bert. Why? Do you have any problem?

LINA: Hmmm… (with sweet voice)  Can I have a favor?

NORA: Oh! What is that?

LINA: Are you free today?

NORA: Hmmm… Yes. Why?

LINA: I just want you to tell me what is the favorite food of Bert and teach me how to cook it.

NORA: Ayy! (pause) Okay. Just wait for me.

LINA (happy): Oh, thank you very much. I will wait for you.Bye. (conversation ended)

CATHLEEN (curious): So what happened? Did she tell you what is Bert’s favorite food?

LINA: (going to the door) Yeah, and she will also help me to cook that food.

CATHLEEN: I thought she was on a trip.

LINA: I don’t know.

CATHLEEN: So you believed her?

LINA: I don’t know. You?

CATHLEEN: She’s a person without dignity. (Cathleen laughs.)

LINA: Shhh… Don’t say that.


LINA: What important is Nora will help me to serve Bert for this night.

CATHLEEN: That’s good.

LINA: (looking out excitedly) I can’t wait to see Bert.

(Cathleen gets one glass of water in the refrigerator.)

CATHLEEN: Hayy.! You’re so in love with Bert. (She drinks the water slowly.)

LINA: (turns to Cathleen) Yes. I’m so in love with him. (smiling) He’s a gentleman, and I want that.

CATHLEEN: I know that. (She puts back the glass above the refrigerator) Yes, he’s a gentleman, but --

LINA (with casual irritation): Cathleen, if you don’t like him, you are free to go out.

CATHLEEN: Hey Lina (She goes to Lina and smiles to her to show that she was joking.) I’m just kidding.

LINA: (hugs Cathleen) So you are supporting me.


(They laughs. Suddenly, Lina’s phone rings. She goes to the center and answers that call.)

LINA (softly): Hello Ma.

(Cathleen goes out)

LINA (shocked): What Ma! I don’t want to go there. I have my date with Bert.

LINA’S MOTHER (calmly): But Lina, you must see this wonderful key.

LINA: (laughs softly) Ma! I thought you are joking.

LINA’S MOTHER: (laughs also) No Lina. I just miss you.

LINA (with a slight emotional tone): Ma, Take care there huh! I miss you also.

LINA’S MOTHER: Thanks Lina. But wait, are you going to date Bert?

LINA: (smiling) Yes Ma, but he will date me. I’m not going to date him.

LINA’S MOTHER: There’s no difference. In easy word, You both will date each other.

LINA: (smiles romantically) Ma!

LINA’S MOTHER: Haha. Okay Lina. I have to put it down. I miss you.

LINA: I miss you too ma. Bye.

LINA’S MOTHER: Bye! (conversation ended)

LINA: I don’t know but --

(She is about to talk to Cathleen but when she looks out to the door, Cathleen isn’t there.)

LINA: Where’s Cathleen?

(Cathleen enters, with a coke and a piece of bread.)

LINA: Where have you been?

CATHLEEN: I just buy foods.

(Cathleen puts the coke and bread on the table and sits. Lina is about to sit when Nora enters the scene.)

NORA (smiling): Hello girls.

LINA (to Nora): Oh Nora. I’m glad you’re here.

CATHLEEN (not looked at Nora): Hi Nora.

NORA: So what are we doing now? Let’s start.

CATHLEEN: (glancing at her watch) Oh! It’s already 5:30. We need to prepare the food before 6.

NORA: Don’t worry Lina. “Adobong Manok” is so easy to cook.

LINA (problematic): But we need to cook that in ---

CATHLEEN: (after she drinks the coke a little bit) Lina, be calm. As Nora said, that’s easy to cook.

LINA: Well.

NORA: So let’s go.

(Cathleen stands out. The girls prepare the ingredients.)

LINA: All are ready.

NORA: I’ll the one to cook it.

LINA: Really?

CATHLEEN (to Nora): No! I want Lina to be the one to cook this.

(Nora madly glances to Cathleen.)

LINA (to Cathleen): Cathleen,I don’t know how to cook. I think Nora will cook a best Adobo.

NORA (still glances to Cathleen): That’s right!

CATHLEEN (irritated): Okay! (She goes out)

LINA: Don’t mind her Nora.

NORA: That’s fine. I will cook it alone huh.

LINA: Are you sure?

NORA: Yes.

LINA: Thank you very much!

(Nora lifts the ingredients and then goes to the dark right side of the stage, which will represent the kitchen.)

(Lina sits. She gets the paper she left on the table and then writes something on it. Willy enters gladly with three red roses.)

WILLY (with youthful energy): Hi Ate Lina.

LINA: Willy! Have a sit.

(Willy sits beside Lina.)

WILLY: (showing the roses) Ate, these are roses!

LINA: Where do you get that?

WILLY: I pick these in our garden.

LINA: Ahh.. So that’s for what? Or for whom?

WILLY: This is for you. (gives the roses to Lina.)

LINA: Oh, thank you Willy.

WILLY: You’re welcome.

VOICE OF NORA: Who’s there Lina?

WILLY (curious): Is Tita Nora here?

LINA (to Nora): Willy, Nora. He’s here. (to Willy) Yes Willy. Your Ate Nora is here. She’s helping me to cook food for your Kuya.

VOICE OF NORA: Ahh.. Okay!

WILLY: But ---

LINA: But?

WILLY: Never mind ate.

LINA: By the way, do you know where is your kuya?

WILLY: I don’t know. I am in our father and we didn’t talk to each other.

LINA: Why? What’s happened?

WILLY: We have a quarrel.

LINA: About what?

(They pause.)

WILLY: That’s nothing. It’s just something …. that is…

VOICE OF NORA: Lina! Can you get the pepper in the refrigerator?

LINA (to Nora): I put that above the refrigerator there. Just look for it.

VOICE OF NORA: Okay. I see.

WILLY: In thought, she was on a trip in England.

LINA: But I think (slightly pause) I don’t know.

WILLY: But how’s my brother? Is he taking care of you?

LINA: Just the same. And yes, he’s so gentle.

WILLY: I miss him so much.

LINA: So, why don’t you tell that to Bert?

WILLY: I think, he will ignore me.

LINA: Don’t say that. He’s so kind.

WILLY: Maybe.

LINA: That’s not ‘Maybe,’ it is ‘’Really.’

(Willy laughs.)

LINA: But why are you here? It’s Monday, right?

WILLY: Yes, but we have no classes today. So, I visit you. But as of now, I’m tired.

LINA: Why? Where have you been?

WILLY: I’s in the supermarket over there. I buy lettuce for our cookery class.

LINA: Ahhh….

WILLY: But I haven’t bought any lettuce, so (shyly) I came here to ask for that.

LINA (laughs appreciatively): Okay. I have lettuce in my ref. .Just get what you need there.

WILLY (gladly): Thank you ate! (stands and goes to refrigerator. He gets lettuce)

(Lina goes to the kitchen.)

WILLY: Ate, thank you very much!

LINA (with a plastic bag): (while she is going to Willy) O, this is the plastic. Take care in your way huh.

WILLY: Okay Ate (puts the lettuce in the bag) Thank you again.

LINA: Okay. Do you have other needs for your class?

WILLY (with a big smile): This is enough ate. I already have PPE in my home.

LINA: Okay.(rubs her palm to Willy’s hair) Take care huh. Just sit. Take a dinner here.

WILLY: No Ate. I’m full.

LINA: Oh. So you will go to your school?

WIILY: (laughs silently) We have no class Ate, remember?

LINA: Ayyy! I forgot. You will go home, right?

WILLY: Don’t be worried to me Ate. I’m like Kuya Bert. I’m a strong boy! (He smiles to Lina)

LINA: So just be careful.

WILLY: Copy Ate.

LINA: Okay. Bye!

WILLY: Bye! (He goes out.)

LINA: Be careful!

(As Willy vanishes, Lina waves to him.)

LINA (to herself): Willy is so cute. (laughs)

(Lina smells the roses. She puts that in the empty vase above the cabinet. Then she goes to the kitchen.)

(Frank enters, with a ribbon in his head and a shoulder bag.)

FRANK (gay tone): Where are the girls here?

(Lina comes out with a chopping board and onion springs.)

FRANK: (meets Lina) Lina!

LINA: Why are you here? Let’s sit. (They sit.)

FRANK: Where’s Nora? She said we will have a shopping today.

LINA: (while chopping the spring onions) This night? You will shop?

FRANK: Shop? What are you talking about?

LINA: (stops chopping) You said a while ago that you and Nora will have a shopping today.

FRANK (taunting): Yeah! (stands out lively) Shopping!

LINA: (laughs and continues to chop spring onion) Haysss… You’re like the same Frank.

FRANK: (sits again) Why? Am I need to be what? (raises his right elbow)

LINA (ignores Frank): Don’t be flirty . I have a special visitor today.

FRANK (interested): Who?

LINA: (smiles) Secret!

FRANK (shouts softly): Hey Nora, where are you?

(slightly pause)

LINA: She’s in the kitchen.

(Lina finishes chopping of spring onions. She goes to the kitchen again.)

FRANK: Ayy! She leaves me here. What’s a stupid girl.

(Cathleen enters the set again, and now, with a bowl of steamed salmon.)

CATHLEEN (with a live voice): Who’s here? (Frank turns to her) Frank!

FRANK (with chaos and smile): Hayss! I thought that’s a beautiful woman.

CATHLEEN (with a smile): Aytss! You’re so bad. (sits beside Frank.)

FRANK: Until now, you have not changed. You’re still greedy. (laughs)

CATHLEEN: (puts the bowl in the table angrily) What had you said?

FRANK (teasing Cathleen): You’re still greedy!

CATHLEEN: And you, you are still a gay! (then eats a little salmon)

(Lina and Lina come from the kitchen.)

NORA: (smiling) Hey two of you, stop teasing each other.

LINA (seems to be excited): I can’t wait to see him. Hey Cathleen.


LINA: What’s time is it?

FRANK (joining the conversation): It’s already seven in the evening.

LINA (shocked): What! Is your watch correct?

FRANK (confidently): Yes! I’m always checking my watch.

CATHLEEN: (gazing to her watch) Oh! I forgot, my watch is incorrect. I haven’t updated this.

LINA: Luh!

FRANK (curious): Why? Why are you all problematic? (pause)

(Frank stands)


CATHLEEN (to Lina): When do you received that letter?

LINA: Early in the morning. (starts to be worried) Where’s Bert now? Wait, I will call him. (She calls Bert, but no one is answering).

NORA: Wait Lina, I will check the adobo. (she goes rapidly in the kitchen)

LINA (still worried): I need to call him again

CATHLEEN: (goes to Lina) Stop Lina, relax! I think he’s late.

FRANK (with a little anger and big confusion): I don’t care! I will go out! (He exits.)

LINA: But--

(Nora enters the set with a big bowl of adobo. She carefully carried that in the table.)

NORA: (while she wipes her hand on her apron) It’s already cook.

LINA (sad): But where’s Bert? He said he will visit me here.

(Cathleen confronts Lina.)

NORA: But I think, he will not go here.

CATHLEEN (with increasing anger): Nora! Don’t say that.

NORA: I’m just saying the truth.

CATHLEEN: Look, instead you say to her “He will come”, you are the one that thinking a negative thought!

NORA (starting to be irritated): Why? What’s your problem to me?

CATHLEEN (shouting): Many! I have so many problems with you. Since you came into my life, you brought so many problems to me. (emphasizing) Big problems.

NORA: Aba! Why are you blaming that to me? I don’t care about you. Am I your sibling?

CATHLEEN: So? When I am seeing you, my blood is always raising and wants to erupt!

NORA: (raises her right elbow) Then? What’s the connect?

CATHLEEN: You’re a monster!

LINA (stands out angrily): You two, stop! I need a silent place.

(Lina is about to go when Mark enters the scene.)

MARK (rushing): Lina! (They turns to Mark.)

LINA (relives): Mark! (rush to Mark) Where’s Bert. Have you seen him?

MARK (pauses): (He gazes to Nora and Cathleen.) Lina, Bert is dead now. He met an accident.

LINA: What are you saying?

MARK: He was struck by a car in a hit and run accident.

LINA (cries slowly): What! You’re a liar Mark. You’re a liar.

MARK (trying to be calm): That’s true Lina. He said that he will visit you here. I said that I will be here also, so we decided to wait at the street near here. That’s actually, about four o’clock. The doctors tried to save him, but …

LINA (crying loudly): No!

(Lina kneels and sits back on her heels.)

NORA: Wait guys. I need to go. I have to ponder an important thing. Bye. (Then she goes out rapidly).

CATHLEEN (with real and big presentiment): Why does Nora goes out? (She follows Nora.)

(Mark goes out also. We only see Linda crying near the door. As she cries, Bert enters from the door. He is in all white. He goes near Lina.)

LINA: Bert! (She hugs him) Where have you been? I am waiting for you. What happened to you?

BERT: (smiling innocently) I’m here. You’re safe now. I will take a rest for now, but I will wait you there.

LINA: Where? I want to be with you.

BERT: You must live happy and free. Don’t mind me.

LINA: But ---

BERT: Listen to me. Just be happy. Don’t worry. I will wait you there.

LINA: But I want to be with you. Ba-- bu ---

BERT: Shhh… (He presses Lina’s lips with his two fingers) I want that also.

LINA: So I will be with you until death. I want to die with you on the same day.

BERT: Don’t say that. You must live. Don’t be naughty, huh…

(Bert kisses Lina in her forehead, then he exits.)

(Lina is crying. She went to the kitchen and goes back to the scene with a knife.She goes to the center slowly and saying “Bert, I won’t let you wait to me for so long.” She stubs herself with a shock. She falls on the floor while grasping for breath. Cathleen comes in.)

CATHLEEN (shocked when she see Lina): Lina! (goes to Lina.) What’s happened to you?

LINA (weak): I\ll just want to be happy. I want to be with Bert.

(Cathleen cries.)

CATHLEEN: But Lina, it’s a …

LINA: Don’t save me.

CATHLEEN: No! No! I will save you.

LINA: Please let me. I want to die because… (Lina dies.)

CATHLEEN: Lina? Lina? Lina!

(Mark enters with Bert happy.)

MARK: Lina… (They are shock of what they see. Bert goes to the center of the scene where Lina is lying.)

BERT: (starting to cry) Lina! I’m alive.

CATHLEEN: I think she was shocked by your prank. It’s so bad.

MARK (only in a soft, emotional voice): I’m very sorry Lina.

CATHLEEN: It’s not funny.

(They are all emotional while they are gazing at Lina.)

(The lights are starting to fade out. A sad music is heard, played in violin and the curtain falls slowly.)



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